Stay warm. Stay healthy. Stay loved. Have a great one, kiddies!!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
favorite artists of 2009 - part tres
4. The xx
I'm simply blown away by this band. Who knew 4 pasty british kids (ok, they're actually like 20 or so) could create such a simple yet mature album? I sure didn't. When I listen to their songs I feel like I'm floating into a black hole, but I'm happy with that. Get it? Well, experience it for yourself:
3. Toro y moi & Washed out
Ok, so I cheated a little on this one. I couldn't decide where to put these two, but I knew they had to be included. I'm lumping them together because they seemingly emerged at the same time from the same place (and also my homeland) Columbia, South carolina. Weird, right? They both perfected, in their own ways, a soulful, lo-fi, beachy sound that makes you never want summer to end. Can't wait to hear their albums in 2010.
Last year I was prepping for Ghosthustler to be the next big thing. Then they broke up. Then Alan Palomo (aka Neon indian) did his own thing with Vega, which I loved just as much. Then, out of nowhere, came Neon indian. It was a whole new sound than both aforementioned bands, but in many ways it was much superior. Much like the 2 south carolinians at #3, Palomo created an album, and a mood, that would make anyone feel like they were on acid... at a swimming pool... in 100 degree heat... in 1980. Enough said?
If you haven't gathered by now I love music that creates a virtual landscape that overtakes your senses; Makes you feel like you're visiting a completely new place... Memory tapes does exactly that, but the catch is he uses basically every genre in the book. One minute you'll want to dance, the next you'll want to cry on your friends shoulder. It's that good. Ok, I get carried away sometimes. I find the man behind the music to be equally intriguing. He seems a little surly in interviews, like he'd much rather be spending time with his daughter while sitting in his room creating more music. He also doesn't have a phone or television which means he chooses his influences without letting them be imposed on him. Brilliant.
There ya have it, gente. Remember, while all these arteests had amazing releases this year this isn't a 'best albums of 09.' I'll leave that to more qualified people. I would also like to shout out to some other amazing acts this year like Best coast, jj, Smith westerns, Pictureplane, The drums among other well known artists (Grizzly bear, Bat for lashes, etc.). This might have been a tumultuous year, but the soundtrack was incredible.
favorite artists,
memory tapes,
neon indian,
the xx,
toro y moi,
washed out
Sunday, December 20, 2009
favorite artists of 2009 - part dos
7. Michael Jackson

MJ had an undoubtedly amazing year... minus the whole suddenly dying thing. All the people of the world were singing his song and praises and finally treating him like a human again. We also got to peek into the personal trappings of his batshit loco family, which was interesting/disturbing. Now I can't wait to watch the new Jackson's reality show!
Julian lynch - Leave me alone (MJ cover)

6. La Roux
La Roux totally nailed the aesthetic she was going for while not sounding too unoriginal, which deserves some recognition. She's an awesome character in her own right with her 80's androgyny and her tidal wave hair. She brought retro and nostalgia into the pop scene and hopefully it will open the time portal for more to come through.
5. The Golden Filter

The Golden Filter didn't even put out an entire album this year, but I still think they successfully cemented themselves into the scene and are also incredibly intriguing, mainly due to their mysterious nature. Their video's aren't easy to watch, their lead singer always obscures her face and I don't think anyone even knows what the golden filter is anyway... aka mystery. They have me listening though, and I can't wait for a full release. If that even happens.
The big reveal is coming tomorrow! Aren't you just dying with excitement? Spoiler alert: Animal collective is nowhere to be found.
favorite artists,
golden filter,
julian lynch,
la roux,
michael jackson
Friday, December 18, 2009
favorite artists of 2009 - part uno
I've thought long and hard about how I'm going to handle this whole 'best of 09' thing and here is the result. I made my top 10 albums list and everything, but then it dawned on me how insanely boring that is, so I've come up with a different kind of list: A list of my 10 favorite artists this year. Here is the first installment. I hope you appreciate/enjoy.
10. Lady Gaga
This may seem like an odd choice to start off my list, but Lady gaga truly has had an amazing year. The public has started to realize that she has motives behind her madness that aren't as devious as the likes of the Britney's and Beyoncé's of the world. She actually wants to shake things up and change the scene, which is commendable. I would say 'Don't sell out!' but that seems a little contradictory in this case.
9. Discovery
I mainly like Discovery so much because they really surprised me. Two members of two bands I mildly like (Vampire weekend & Ra ra riot) came together to make a swirling, dreamy pop record which seems to be predominately about, well... discovery. It's fun and takes you to far off places. They may never make another album and it might actually be better that way.
8. Wavves

Wavves was put through the ringer this year, but if you think about his story then you really understand the shit he must have been going through. Plucked for a garage and made into a star. Fame probably wasn't something he was planning on. Regardless, through all the bullshit, he continued to make great songs. I hope he recovers from the clusterfuck that was '09.
Look for Part Dos (two) tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
new videos!
New videos from Washed out and Hot chip! Oh boy, what a tuesday!
Hot Chip | MySpace Music Videos
Monday, December 7, 2009
rep where ya from

Hey kiddies! [adult swim], aka the best thing to come out of atlanta since outkast, is giving you a free mixtape! The only catch is that it's awesome. The concept is hot atlanta rappers being remixed by even hotter indie stars such as HEALTH, Memory tapes, Salem, Mad decent... you get the pictura.
Get at it, here.
adult swim,
mad decent,
memory tapes,
Friday, December 4, 2009
new lightspeed champion vid
So, I was late on those other music videos, but here's the brand spankin' new video for Lightspeed champion's 'Marlene' fresh outta the binary oven. Haven't heard from Dev in awhile (we met in London back in 06, no big deal) but I'm likin' where he's headed.
oops, i missed these
Here are two quality music videos that I accidentally missed. How careless of me. I must have been too busy playing mario or something. Anyways... ¡enjoy!
Think about life - Sweet sixteen
Chairlift - Evident utensil
a little late,
music video,
think about life
Thursday, December 3, 2009
video game arte
I bet you've never seen video game impressionism before. Well now you have. It's by the super talented yack-of-all-trades, Brock Davis. You can check out the rest of this series here.
Here's an extremely geeky (but awesome) print from A life well wasted illuminating the weak points of villains throughout the ages. If you get even half of these references then you are officially a dork. But, dorks are artists now, so have no worries.
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