I've thought long and hard about how I'm going to handle this whole 'best of 09' thing and here is the result. I made my top 10 albums list and everything, but then it dawned on me how insanely boring that is, so I've come up with a different kind of list: A list of my 10 favorite artists this year. Here is the first installment. I hope you appreciate/enjoy.
10. Lady Gaga
This may seem like an odd choice to start off my list, but Lady gaga truly has had an amazing year. The public has started to realize that she has motives behind her madness that aren't as devious as the likes of the Britney's and Beyoncé's of the world. She actually wants to shake things up and change the scene, which is commendable. I would say 'Don't sell out!' but that seems a little contradictory in this case.
9. Discovery
I mainly like Discovery so much because they really surprised me. Two members of two bands I mildly like (Vampire weekend & Ra ra riot) came together to make a swirling, dreamy pop record which seems to be predominately about, well... discovery. It's fun and takes you to far off places. They may never make another album and it might actually be better that way.
8. Wavves

Wavves was put through the ringer this year, but if you think about his story then you really understand the shit he must have been going through. Plucked for a garage and made into a star. Fame probably wasn't something he was planning on. Regardless, through all the bullshit, he continued to make great songs. I hope he recovers from the clusterfuck that was '09.
Look for Part Dos (two) tomorrow!
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